Thursday, August 30, 2007

Yehudiya Nature Reserve

Today we drove to the Golan Heights and went on an incredible hike in the Yehudiya Nature Reserve. Every moment of the hike felt like an exploration, an opening. It's amazing when you get to that point of total communication with the ground you are crossing, when your body learns the dance of balance and you move swiftly across huge rocks and beneath trees and over streams.

Abba in front, the beginning:

After a while, the ground opened and we hiked down to the wadi:

At the bottom, we reached this incredible waterfall pounding with sound. Some happy people were jumping from the rocks into that great water!!!

We continued hiking beyond the waterfall, through the wadi, making our way down the trail.
Mom and Abba crossing a stream:

Continuing across great rocks...

A lunch break of pita sandwiches:

No words to describe how I felt in the arms of those trees, rocks, waterfalls!


Anonymous said...

it is so beautiful!! i am so glad we have this blog to share what you are doing! i can see the photos and by your words feel somewhat of the wonderful experience you are having.
enjoy your time
i would love to be hiking right there with you!

Unknown said...

that is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen!